출처: http://waystation.tistory.com/127 [느릿느릿이야기] Plant a little grain of peace here!: Don't let them tattoo on her body never more.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Don't let them tattoo on her body never more.

I saw this cartoon from this site, http://foxtalk.tistory.com/98

Have you ever heard about "Comforting Women"?
It's not only in Korea, but many other countries in Asia.

If there's not in peace, there's no boundaries to protect you from the evil things.
In war, people are going crazy. So many troubles will be in the war including rape like this.
So, Peace is the best powerful strategy to human be like a decent human being.
Wanting peace is not a word of a weak person.

Therefore Don't say that "I'm not interest in Peace." or "It's on goverment's plate. It's no concern of mine."
But say, "I'll do everything from small beginnings.
Like Mindanao, Youth did a peace walk intended by Man hee Lee, a peace advocate. 
The movement made representatives from each religion, islam and catholic, sign the peace agreement.
Walking is not a big thing, you know.


  1. If someone is born in a country that full of war and conflict, Can he say"I'm not interest in Peace"?

    1. Yes, I'm totally agree with you.
      So, let's make a mood of discussing peace openly.
      I hope more realistic way comes out and people say we can make peace.
      I think it's meaningless to say "we can't make peace. and I won't do anything for peace."

  2. I though if I was born during the war had had a break, how did I feel about peace?
    It would be the fact that I was longing the world peace!!!!!
    They would also not have wanted to be born like our thoughts at that time the countries had a fight.
    So let's think the peace issue in case that I will be in terrible attack.

    1. Peace is thinking our neighbor as ourselves, I think.
      Thank you for your comment.
