출처: http://waystation.tistory.com/127 [느릿느릿이야기] Plant a little grain of peace here!: January 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

El fruto del Presidente Man Hee Lee en Mindanao , Filipinas.

Guerra civil incesante durante los últimos 40 años.

Anteriormente no eran en su mayoría musulmanes en la isla de Mindanao con población de 22 millones .
Y la zona es menor que la península de Corea del Sur .

Más tarde, en el período colonial de EE.UU. , multitud de cristianos filipinos emigraron en el Mindanao.
Así que los musulmanes nativos fueron expulsados ​​de su pueblo y se fue a su hábitat natural .

Fue el comienzo de la disputa territorial con el conflicto religión.
Desde entonces, una guerra sin fin continúa en la isla, con más de 170 miles de bajas.

En consecuencia, cuando pensamos en Mindanao , Filipinas ;
Fue una pesadilla con la batalla y la muerte entre el Islam y católico.
Más que a pesar de su hermoso paisaje magnífico natural.

El Acuerdo de Paz Realizado por una organización privada .

Defensor de la paz Man Hee Lee y la delegación visitaron la paz en Mindanao on 24 Jan 2014.
Ellos organizaron la Marcha de la Paz , en el centro de General Santos con 1.000 participantes, entre ellos estudiantes y líderes religiosos .
Trascendiendo los límites de la religión y la nacionalidad , por primera vez en esta región.

En consecuencia , llegaron al acuerdo de paz en la sala de conferencias General Santos Hotel.
Llegó el representante de católico (Fernando Capalla , el ex arzobispo de Davao Mindanao ) , y el representante del Islam ( Esmael , gobernador de Maguindanao , y el distrito autónomo islámico en Mindanao ) y coincidieron en la final de la guerra y el mundo acuerdo de paz.

El acuerdo de paz aceleró el gobierno filipino a aceptar distrito autónomo Islam en Mindanao.
Y el FMLN ( Frente Moro de Liberación Nacional ) se desarmó gradualmente.
Finalmente, poner fin a la guerra civil de larga duración de 40 días.

No era posible, incluso para el presidente de Filipinas.
Intervenir para cesar el fuego en Mindanao como una disputa de larga pendiente.

Cabe destacar que fue promovida por un presidente de la organización privada .
Él era " un coreano " que hizo el mundo bastante sorprendente .

El Presidente Hombre ji Lee fue una vez un veterano de la Guerra de Corea .
Que entiende el dolor y el dolor de la guerra mejor que nadie .
Así que parece que se hizo para trabajar por la paz del mundo constantemente.

    >>> Haga clic aquí, si usted quiere saber acerca de Korean_war

El boca a boca de la paz es fácil para todos.

Pero el trabajo y la acción por la paz , en realidad, es tan difícil.
Por otra parte para la paz mundial , así como su nación ' Corea ' .
Bien puede ser el primer explorador .

Esta vez se convirtió en un gran modelo a seguir para la paz mundial. Digno de ser dado una ovación de pie de toda la gente alrededor del mundo.

Yo espero y espero por la noticia maravillosa continua de la paz.
Para dar lugar a la paz mundial para que el pueblo sea dolorosa por la guerra.
Para mí, como Corea , la misma nacionalidad con el presidente del Man hee Lee.
Estoy muy orgullosa de él tanto y doy mi respeto hacia él.

The fruit of Chairman Man hee Lee in Mindanao, Philippines.

Ceaseless civil war for last 40 years.

Previously there were mostly Muslims in Mindanao island with population of 22 million.
And the area is smaller than S.Korea peninsula.

Later at the colonial period of USA, multitude of Christian Filipino migrated into the Mindanao.
So that the native Muslims were kicked out of their village and went into the wild.

It was the beginning of territorial dispute with religion conflict.
Since then endless war continued in the island with more than 170 thousands of casualty.

Accordingly, when we think about Mindanao, Philippines;
It was a nightmare with battle and death between Islam and Catholic.
Rather than in spite of its beautiful natural superb landscape.

The Peace Agreement Accomplished by One Private Organization.

Peace advocate Man hee Lee and peace delegation visited Mindanao on 24 Jan 2014.
They hosted the Peace Walk in downtown of General Santos with 1,000 participants including students, and religious leaders.
Transcending the boundaries of religion and nationality for the first time in this region.

In result, they reached to the Peace Agreement in the conference room General Santos Hotel.
There came the representative of Catholic (Fernando Capalla, former archbishop of Mindanao Davao), and the representative of Islam (Esmael, governor of Maguindanao, and Islamic autonomous district in Mindanao) and agreed on the end of war and world peace agreement.

The peace agreement expedited the Philippine goverment to accept Islam autonomous district in Mindanao.
And the MNLF (Moro National Liberation Front) be disarmed gradually.
Finally they put and end to the long lasting civil war of 40 days.

It was not possible even for the president of Philippines.
Intervene to cease fire in Mindanao as a long pending dispute.

Remarkably it was promoted by one chairman of private organization.
He was "a Korean" that made the world quite surprising.

The Chairman Man hee Lee was once a veteran for the Korean War.
That he understands the grief and pain of war better than anyone else.
So it seems that he became to work for world peace constantly.

    >>>Click here, if you want to know about Korean_War in Wikipedia

Word of mouth for peace is easy for everyone.

But work and action for peace in reality is so difficult.
Moreover for the world peace as well as his nation 'Korea'.
He may well  be the first pathfinder.

This time he became a great role model for world peace. Worthy to be given a standing ovation from all the people over the world.

I do hope and expect for the continuous marvelous news of peace.
To result in world peace lest the people be painful by the war.
For me, as a Korean, the same nationality with Chairman Man hee Lee.
I'm really proud of him so much and give my respect to him.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Un artículo agradable : La Armonía del Islam y católico en Mindanao.

Una guerra sin fin , finalmente termina por una persona que arbitrar en una disputa entre católico y el Islam .
Mi corazón se llenó de orgullo al ver que el uno es un coreano .
Quiero compartir el escuchar la historia .

La isla de Mindanao es lo suficientemente grande como para Corea. Originalmente vivía musulmana ( que creen en el Islam ) en que Mindanao.
Por la política de gobierno, muchas personas que creen en la católico establecieron Mindanao desde el norte.
En el proceso de la política de movimiento , nativo que creen en el Islam estaban viendo a sí mismos ser descubierto .
Esto condujo a la guerra entre el Islam y la católico.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Meaningful Peace Talk For This Generation.

Everyone says they like 'peace' but most people shake their heads when I ask "Anyway is it something possible to get the real peace?" I sometimes wish this world be peaceful, but there seems no action plan that I think to myself the peace is just an ideal concept on opposite side of war as the reality is hard to survive.

Oneday I saw an internet news about Mindanao, Philippines that there had been civil war for 40 years and finally concluded a peace agreement by Peace advocate Man Hee Lee. It was so amazing that I suddenly focused on the background for the peace pact.

Mindanao is the second largest island in the philippines where 22 million people live on. In the late 14th centuries, the Islam were established in Mindanao and the Roman Catholics were spread in Spain colonial era. Today the majority of Mindanaons practice Islam, about 61% of the population. Also there are some Christians (32%), and Buddhists(4%) and the rest are belong to a sizable animist or pagan communities.

However, following the outbreak of 2nd world War, many farmers were forced to migrate to Mindanao and they came into severe conflict by diverse religion with different languages. In result, MNLF (Moro Liberation Front) was organized asking for their independence against the Philippines goverment. Due to widespread poverty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as well as armed Moro separatist movements.
Since then endless war continued in the island with more than 140 thousands of casualty that it was one of the representative area of conflict in the Asia.

In the island of war where frequent deaths are everywhere matters, nobody has imagined the peace would come to this area even in this peaceful way. World peace activist Chairman Lee hosted the Peace Walk in the downtown area of General Santos where approximately 1,000 participants including students of Mindanao State University, members of International Youth Group, and religious leaders joined the event, transcending the boundaries of religion and nationality for the first time in this region. This movement created a great sensation and hopes among the Filipinos, who yearn for peace and it initiated a wave of peace within international societies, media, and people.

After the Peace Walk, students of Mindanao State University, Youth Groups, Mayors, University professors, Catholic leaders and Islamic leaders, who had participated in the Peace Walk gathered in the conference room of a hotel located in downtown General Santos. Speeches about conflict and the solution to peace in Mindanao Island were delivered by Man hee Lee. 
The representatives of Catholic and Islam united to sign the peace agreement for ending the war and achieving World Peace and pledged to work together with Man hee Lee.

nevertheless, I feel sad for this great news was not widely known to the people. I would like to join to the peace group and become a reporter to let them know what is going on for peace in this present time. The peace is not something impossible, it could be accompolished in our generation!!

Friday, January 10, 2014

What is peace for you?

What is your picture of peace?
I think kids may answer smarter than the adults but hope you consider. :)