출처: http://waystation.tistory.com/127 [느릿느릿이야기] Plant a little grain of peace here!: Mahatma, great soul, Gandhi.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mahatma, great soul, Gandhi.

Strikes, non-cooperation, mass civil disobedience, and spending lots of time in prison.

Perhaps these bring to mind a ganster's personal history to you.
It is Mahatma Gandhi's, called as Great Soul.
Then, What do you think of Gandhi's achievement?
The answer probably be the power of nonviolence.

His nonviolent action was not passive. As cited above, he led a social movement on a large scale.
And his strategy on nonviolent action to British scratched British's moral authority by letting British use violence to unarmed Indian.
For that reason, nonviolence actions must be measured, and the demonstrators are willing to die for their belief.
It is from the creed that a moral principle is the strongest power than any other things.

Gandhi said
"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of human history."

Not long ago, a peace advocate Man hee Lee, made a peace agreement between Catholic and Islamic groups in Mindanao.
He asked a question to nature in human.
As a believer, will God like the situation of conflict with religion?
His speech pulled down basis of all the reason that they said which had to fight each other.
So, after that, they do not fight for their religious reason any more.
If they fight, it left a blemish in human history.
He ended that 40 years war by delivering a speech, nonviolent action.
But just remember, it's not easy speech in front of the conflictive crowd.

Nonviolence can change world to peace.


  1. I admire Gandhi's peaceful spirit. His eternal longing for the peace will be remembered forever. Thank you for reminding this peace leader.

  2. Gandhi's spirit as a kinds of mentality influences many people who desire and work for peace.
